Friday, August 12, 2011

My resident cat and my new they sounds like thy are getting along?

My resident cat is about a year old, we adopted him 9 months ago, he is very loving, can be a punk though =p. We just added a new 10wk old kitten to the family, and Julius (resident) seems to be acting okay..we tryed adopting a older cat a couple months ago and julius would hiss, fluff his tail, growl, he just didnt like the other cat, so the people we got him from took him back...with the kitten julius hasnt dont any of those signs, he lets the kitten play, he licks his head...which i read was a dominace thing, or taking over reasponciblity for the kitten, if the kitten is locked in the room or bathroom julius waits by the door...if he is in his cage at night julius lays right next to it...he will occasinlly bite the kittens neck..but for the most part i think everything is ok..they are seperated during the day..and we do give them each love esp julius..and there own time while we are home..and it seems like julius is going back to his normal habits at night...he is a night owl and loves to keep us does it sound like everything is working just paranoid i guess lol.

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